European Projects

Winetech & Winetech Plus

Projects with the aim of promoting the transfer of scientific-technological knowledge, as well as boosting the innovative capacity of companies in the wine and vine sector in the SUDOE region.
WINETech Plus was presented as a continuation to the previous WINETech project, launching a new network of transfer brokers and implementing new business and training portals that allowed its consolidation as a stable community of innovation in South-West Europe.

FEUGA’s tasks within the project:

Technical coordinator of both projects:

  • Detect technological and business needs, stimulate priority work lines among the different actors involved in European wine R & D & i.
  • Catalogue the scientific-technological capacity of the research groups of the SUDOE region that work with the wine sector.
  • Transfer knowledge to the sector by organizing a variety of ‘workshops’ and events throughout the SUDOE region and developing formative and informative materials.
  • Create and coordinate the network of a new professional profile, with experience in the
    sector and knowledge in preparation and project management: the WINETech transfer brokers.
  • Prepare technological diagnostics for companies and promote innovation and R & D projects through the network of WINETech transfer brokers.


Interreg Sudoe


1.656.566 € / 1.465.883 €


Wine sector


13 partners from France, Spain and Portugal


Success stories