European Projects


The strategic objective of TransformAr is to Support faster, smarter and more systemic climate change adaptation. Cross-sectoral and multi-scale innovation packages, as the combination of solutions and pathways, will support regions and communities in their societal transformation towards climate change resilience. Region-specific portfolios, including Nature-Based Solutions, innovative technologies, financing, insurance and governance models, awareness and behavioral change are co-developed and demonstrated. Transformational adaptation will be triggered by a co-innovation process that will co-create transformational adaptation pathways for 6 Demonstrator Regions and Communities in Europe. The pathway co-creation process is supported by user-friendly, accessible, and comprehensive multi-sector dynamics data services. The data services fit to the needs of public and private investors, including citizens in Transformational Adaptation. To accelerate investment in climate change adaptation, and to enable that plans are brought into practice, TransformAr also demonstrates the potential of business models and alternative finance mechanisms for Transformational Adaptation.


Principales tareas de FEUGA:

Within TransformAr, FEUGA’s responsibilities are two-fold:

  • to lead the design of Innovation Ecosystems for Transformational Adaptation, engaging a wide range of stakeholders in a co-creation process through TransformAr’s Demonstrators;
  • to manage the exploitation strategy of the project


Horizon 2020


11.872.256,88 €


Climate Change


TransformAr gathers 22 partners from 11 EU countries (Belgium, Italy, France, Greece, Germany, Spain, Czechia, Finland, Norway, Malta and UK)


Success stories