PLASMOWINE and REGAVID projects webinar


Next Tuesday, July 4th, at 10 am, a free online seminar on innovative strategies for sustainable resource management in vineyards will be held. The Galician Operational Groups PLASMOWINE and REGAVID, in which we participate, whose contexts are framed within this theme, will be presented at the conference. Representatives of the entities participating in both projects will explain the work they are carrying out to meet the proposed objectives.

The Galician Operational Group PLASMOWINE seeks to develop a decision support system to determine the optimal time for the application of phytosanitary treatments against mildew, a vine disease caused by an oomycete that seriously compromises the production and quality of wines. In this way, the project aims at minimizing the effect of this disease in Galician vineyards, betting on a quality, profitable, sustainable and environmentally friendly viticulture.

On the other hand, within the climate change conditions where a downward trend in rainfall is observed, the Galician Operational Group REGAVID intends to implement a tool to model the real water needs of the vineyard and predict future irrigation requirements.

As part of the project dissemination activities, this free online presentation webinar will serve as a starting point to publicize the projects among the different agents in the sector and the general public. In this conference, the companies that make up the Galician Operational Groups will present the objectives and activities to be developed in the innovation projects. They will also comment, first hand, the role of each of the companies and the positive impact that PLASMOWINE and REGAVID will have on the wine sector.

The webinar will feature presentations by representatives of the different Galician entities participating in both projects. For the PLASMOWINE project we will participate together with Monet Viticultura, the University of Vigo, Pontevedra’s Deputy Areeiro Phytopathological Station, and the winery Viña Costeira. For the REGAVID project, we will participate together with Monet Viticultura, the University of Santiago de Compostela, and the Martín Códax winery.

  • When: Tuesday, July 4th, 10am. 
  • Where: online, via Teams. 
  • Duration: 3h. 
  • You can register here

Funded by grants for the implementation of the European Innovation Partnership (EIP), 75% co-financed by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) under the Rural Development Program (RDP) of Galicia 2014-2020. The Consellería del Medio Rural is the body of the Galician Administration responsible for proposing and executing the general guidelines in the rural area, and is responsible for agriculture, livestock, rural development and regional planning, rural structures, agri-food and forestry industries, forestry, prevention and defense against forest fires.

Total REGAVID budget: 180,000.00€ (100% subsidized)

Total PLASMOWINE budget: 179.999,95€ (100% subsidized)

The PLASMOWINE and REGAVID Operating Groups are responsible for this content.