National projects


GO Multi-Forest: Multi-functionality and integral valorization of the forest through Chain of Custody Certification

Climate change is one of the greatest threats to forest biodiversity, affecting the suitability and distribution of many species. Extreme events are becoming more and more relevant on a daily basis with virulent and severe forest fires threatening urban areas and destroying ecosystems, floods or droughts endangering property and lives and compromising resources, pests threatening crops, etc. Against this backdrop, the Multi-Forest project aims to obtain a multifunctional and resilient model of a Galician forest through continuous improvement in its management that will increase its sustainability and add value to its products.

The main objective of the Multi-Forest Operational Group is to promote the multifunctionality of the Galician forests through the diversification and compatibilization of its uses that enhance and revalue the forestry and agro-livestock sector, revitalizing under-productive areas and offering viable and resilient alternatives to the new scenarios of climate change. To this end, the following will be emphasized:

  • Analysis of the suitability of each area of the forest through satellite technologies that allow the establishment of specific indicators to provide information on the suitability and carrying capacity of the soil and environmental conditions.
  • Evaluation of the technical, environmental and economic feasibility of the implementation of small areas for the cultivation of forest fruits and/or shiitake mushrooms.
  • Promotion of local products obtained from sustainably managed forests through their valorization with the certification of the chain of custody of honey, horse meat and its derivatives.
  • Evaluation of the social, economic and environmental impacts of multifunctional forest management to determine the potential of agroforestry use and climate change mitigation.

The potential outcomes expected from this project are:

  • Creation of an agrosilvopastoral production system with a high degree of diversity and competitiveness in 870ha of Galician woodland that will include the ecological, integrated and compatible use of the woodland for existing and new uses, such as forest fruits or shiitake mushrooms.
  • Establishment of the necessary mechanisms for compliance with the UNE 162002 Sustainable Forest Management standard by the Baroña CMVMC, guaranteeing its continuity in the PEFC sustainable forest certification.
  • Quantification of the environmental, social and economic costs and benefits of multifunctional and integrated forest management.
  • Reuse of the biomass strips established by current regulations for the cultivation of forest fruits, which will imply a lower risk of spreading forest fires due to irrigation systems.
  • Incentivization of the natural and traditional Galician heritage potential of the site for tourism, maintaining the existing sites in Baroña.

This project is financed by grants for the implementation of innovative projects of the European Innovation Partnership (EIP) operational groups, co-financed by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) within the framework of the Common Agricultural Policy Strategic Plan (CAPP) 2023-2027. The Consellería del Medio Rural is the body of the Galician Administration responsible for proposing and executing the general guidelines in the rural area and encompasses competencies in agriculture, livestock, rural development and regional planning, rural structures, agri-food and forestry industries, forestry, prevention and defense against forest fires. Budget 179,980.81 €.

The project is formed by a multidisciplinary team composed of the Fundación Empresa Universidad Gallega (FEUGA), the Community of Montes de Baroña, the Galician Association Promoting Forest Certification (PEFC Galicia) and the Agroforestry research group of the Universidade de Vigo.

Download the informational brochure: ES



179,980.81€ (100% subsidized)




Fundación Empresa Universidad Gallega (FEUGA)

Community of Montes de Baroña

Galician Association Promoting Forest Certification (PEFC Galicia)

Agroforestry research group of the Universidade de Vigo

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