REGAVID Operational Group’s informative material available


The Galician REGAVID project was launched in 2022 with the aim of implementing an irrigation management tool to assess the current water needs of the vineyard and predict future irrigation requirements.

The work will be coordinated by a multidisciplinary team formed by specialists in viticulture, hydraulics and hydrology and technologies applied to the primary sector. Led by the private company Monet Tecnología e Innovación SL, in which we participate together with the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela and Martín Códax Wineries.

The tool proposed in REGAVID will incorporate data measured by weather stations and soil moisture data obtained from sensors installed in the experimental plot. The measurements provided by the soil moisture sensors will be correlated with the soil water content data obtained periodically by TDR probes. This correlation will allow characterizing the soil moisture sensors most commonly used in Galician vineyards.

In order to inform the public about the proposed objectives and achieved results of this initiative, the dissemination activities that we lead are fundamental. Within the framework of the proposed activities, REGAVID publishes the triptych, the infographic and the audiovisual animation oriented to the target public such as winegrowers and cooperatives, companies, researchers, technicians, administration and the general public.

The infographic of the project shows in a schematic way what is the problem detected by the project and how the multidisciplinary team formed in REGAVID seeks to solve it. On the other hand, the triptych goes deeper into the explanation of the project, describing in greater detail the objectives set, the expected results and the activities to be carried out, among other aspects. Finally, the audiovisual animation includes a summary of the main milestones of the REGAVID project, presented in a more visual way.

It should be noted that both the triptych and the infographic are available in Spanish, Galician and English to maximize their geographical reach and the impact of the solutions to be developed by REGAVID.

Take a look at the triptych here.

Take a look at the infographic here.

Take a look at the REGAVID video summary

REGAVID is funded by grants for the implementation of operational groups of the European Innovation Partnership (EIP), co-financed by 75% by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) under the Rural Development Program (RDP) of Galicia 2014-2020. The Consellería del Medio Rural is the body of the Galician Administration which is responsible for proposing and implementing the general guidelines in the rural area, and encompasses the competences in agriculture, livestock, rural development and regional planning, rural structures, agri-food and forestry industries, forestry, prevention and defense of forest fires.

Total budget: 180.000,00€ Grant: 180.000,00€ EU co-financing: 75% EAFRD