The PROTEINLEG Operational Group, of which FEUGA is representative, publishes the infographic and leaflet of the project


Approved in the second half of 2021, the PROTEINLEG Operational Group is developing its first technical and dissemination activities. Thus, the innovation project, headed by FEUGA, has recently published its infographic and leaflet.

PROTEINLEG is a supra-autonomous Operational Group that carries out an innovation project whose aim is to develop high-quality food proteins through the sustainable production and management of the cultivation of legume family. With this, the initiative tries to provide alternatives to animal origin proteins and soy, on which the livestock sector has currently a huge dependency for feed production.

The infographic shows, shortly, and directly, the idea behind PROTEINLEG, emphasizing the objectives, and expected results of the project, as well as the starting point in which the initiative arises. On the other hand, the leaflet deepens in these aspects, providing a wider, and more detailed vision of the innovation project. Both materials, oriented towards all the agents of the agri-food value chain and the general public, will provide a global point of view about the innovation project.

·  Infographic in Spanish: 

·  Infographic in English:        

·  Leaflet in Spanish:

·  Leaflet in English:

Together with FEUGA, the project is comprised by a multidisciplinary and supra-autonomic team: Ramiro Arnedo Semillas, Almacenes Gamallo, MIMIC SeaFood, the Misión Biológica de Galicia (which belongs to Spanish National Research Council, MBG-CSIC), and the Fundación Centro Tecnolóxico da Carne (CTC).

PROTEINLEG is an innovation project 80% co-funded by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) of the European Union and 20% by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, within the framework of the National Rural Development Programme 2014-2020. The General Directorate of Rural Development, Innovation and Agrifood Training (GDRDIAT) is the authority in charge of the application of these aids. Total project budget: €556.947,36; total grant: €552.147,36.

The Operational Group PROTEINLEG is responsible of this content.