The Galician University System Network of Research Centres (CIGUS Network) is a superstructure promoted by the Autonomous Government of Galicia (Xunta de Galicia) in order to drive excellence in research. It is made up of centres that hold the CIGUS seal, which endorses the quality and impact of the research they conduct. This seal seeks to raise the profile of these centres as leaders in the scientific field and to strengthen the research system of Galician universities in order to attract and retain the finest research talent and boost their competitiveness on a national and European level.

In 2021, the Galician Regional Ministry of Culture, Education and University commissioned FEUGA with the management of this network. The objective was to provide it with content through the planning of activities and services, as well as their execution and coordination.

The Network’s activity is programmed on an annual basis and includes a number of actions, ranging from training activities; the creation of working groups; the presentation of joint applications to European calls (e.g.  MSCA-COFUND); the promotion of equality; networking events and activities or the organisation of visits to other research systems; and even the redefinition of the assessment procedure for CIGUS centres.

FEUGA’s key tasks:

  • Design of the annual plan of activities for the CIGUS network
  • Coordination and management of the activities carried out within the scope of the network
  • Definition of good practices and creation of common action guides and frameworks for the Network’s member centres.


Xunta de Galicia



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