AGROSUS (AGRoecological strategies for SUStainable weed management in key European crops) is a four-year transdisciplinary research project in wich we participate. The project aims to identify appropriate tools and agroecological strategies to prevent and manage weeds in relevant crops, in conventional, organic and mixed farming. This research will be developed across 11 biogeographical regions (Alpine, Anatolian, Arctic, Atlantic, Black Sea, Boreal, Continental, Macaronesian, Mediterranean, Pannonian and Steppic) of the EU and associated countries with the aim to reduce reliance on synthetic herbicides and the correlated pressure on the environment. These biogeographic regions will be covered for co-creation and co-validation activities targeting the best agroecological strategies to be implemented in AGROSUS. Its Key Performance Indicator will be the creation of 14 regional stakeholder communities and 24 crop-linked groups including at least 500 stakeholders.
The project starts its stakeholder consultations with a survey addressed to farmers recognising them as key stakeholders in the sustainable and eco-friendly agricultural practices. With these surveys the project aims to gather valuable insights and feedback from farmers across the 11 biogeographic regions involved in the project.
The results obtained will be complemented with existing data (literature reviews), and with additional in-person interviews with more stakeholders and with a set of co-creation and co-validation workshops.
The consortium integrates a multi actor approach for farmers’ decision making and for including the different perspectives from stakeholders to decision-makers that regulate and administer policies. In summary, AGROSUS will rely on:
1. Expanded knowledge on problematic weeds on European agriculture, current weeding techniques, and problems encountered by farmers and advisors (around 500 farmers and advisors will be contacted for surveys, workshops, and discussion groups).
2. Advanced detection tools.
3. Establishment of cultural, mechanical, physical, biological, and biotechnological agroecological strategies in 68 short-term experimental units sprayed all over Europe.
4. Actions carried out with stakeholders and policy makers to promote the most appropriate initiatives at the field, administration, and regulatory levels.
5. Technology transfer and training of stakeholders for prevention and management of weeds.
A multidisciplinary consortium
The AGROSUS project is coordinated by the Universidad de Vigo (UVIGO) from Spain and involves 16 partners from 11 European and associated countries along with several universities, a research centre, a company, non-governmental organizations, a farm, a farm association, and an advisor organization.
Access the survey in galician here
Access the survey in spanish here
Take a look at the video for more details