We joined the network of the Technological Observatory of the University of Alicante (OVTT UA) with the purpose of promoting networked technological intelligence, thus joining a wide network of collaborators from around the world, such as CDE Inteligencia Competitiva (Basque company specialized in technology watch, strategic intelligence and innovation management), PTCarretera (Spanish Road Technology Platform) or ALTEC (Latin-American Association of Technological and Innovation Management), among many others.
The Technological Observatory of the University of Alicante (OVTT UA) works to promote knowledge transfer, innovation and entrepreneurship from the technological intelligence network. Through its online platform and collaborative networking, they support researchers, entrepreneurs and companies to leverage the strategic potential of scientific and technological information in decision making, promoting the creation of value networks for digital transformation.
Among their resources, they offer practical guides, introductory tools such as “Watch what’s new in the industry” or technology newsletters, as well as training activities and strategic intelligence specialization programs for innovative organizations.
The new opportunities that this collaboration provides us with will enhance our technological intelligence by connecting us with outstanding collaborators from around the world. We at FEUGA will actively participate in this network by contributing our experience and knowledge to drive growth and technological innovation.