The SUG Research Centres Network visits Catalan centres


On 27th and 28th October, the SUG Research Centres Network made a working visit to the Catalan research system

The delegation, led by the Secretary General of Universities, José Alberto Díez de Castro, was attended by the vice-rectors of research of the three Galician universities (Salvador Naya Fernández of the UDC, Vicente Pérez Muñuzuri of the USC and Belén Rubio Armesto of the UVIGO) and directors, deputy directors and senior managers of the entities that make up the Network of Research Centres of the SUG.

These entities, CITIC, CIMUS, CIQUS, CITIUS, CIM, CINBIO and ATLANTTIC, have been able to share experiences and learn about the organisational and scientific management of five centres: IDIBAPS, I2CAT, ICFO, CED and ICTA, which represent different models of success in the Catalan research system. These mutual learning sessions have also contributed to broaden the network of contacts of the centres and to position the SUG Research Centres Network in the national panorama.

The SUG Research Centres Network is made up of the research centres of the Galician University System accredited as such by the Regional Ministry of Culture, Education and University: CITIC (UDC); CIMUS, CIQUS, CITIUS, IGFAE (USC); and CIM, CINBIO and ATLANTTIC (UVIGO), and is conceived as a forum for reflection, expression and contribution of ideas common between these university centres and the General Secretariat of Universities and a fundamental tool to enhance the strengthening and excellence of the system and improve its positioning at national and international level.